Join the NRN

To join the NRN please send an email to , introducing yourself and stating your interest in Neotropical raptor research and conservation.

You can also join by adding yourself to our Yahoo Groups page: You must have a Yahoo login and password to access this feature.

NRN list-server rules

The Neotropical Raptor Network (NRN) is a membership-based organization aimed to enhance the capacity and effectiveness of people working with raptors in the Neotropics. Its goal is to aid the research and conservation of Neotropical raptors by promoting communication and collaboration among biologists, ornithologists, raptor enthusiasts, and other conservationists working in the Neotropics.

The NRN List-server acts as a discussion forum about raptors for the members of the NRN.

These are the rules for using the mailing list of the Neotropical Raptor Network. These rules have been approved by the NRN Advisory Board and are enforced by the NRN coordinator and co-moderators of the mailing list.

  1. This list-server is moderated and your message may be filtered or deleted by moderators if judged inappropriate or irrelevant to the audience. Please mind the relevance of you message. To learn more about what is appropriate for the NRN please visit our website:
  2. Use 'subjects' descriptive of the content of your message. Messages with unclear 'subjects' are likely to be deleted by individual members without being read.
  3. Be respectful of others. You are entitled to critique a specific publication, method, conservation or research program, etc., but make sure your comments and opinions are constructive. Messages defamatory of individuals or organizations will not be tolerated; they will be deleted from the group's files, and the sender will be moderated, which means that all future messages sent by this member will require approval by a NRN moderator before they reach the mailing list. As moderation consumes time, second-time offenders will be permanently removed from the list-server.
  4. 'Spamming' will not be tolerated. If your computer is infected with a virus and is sending 'spam' messages, please get it fixed. Repeat offenders will be subject to penalties as described in "3)" at the discretion of NRN moderators.
  5. Refrain from sending congratulations or thank you notes to individuals or organizations through this channel. You can always thank or congratulate them by private channels.
  6. Avoid indiscriminate 'forwarding' of messages from other mailing lists.
  7. Do not send test messages after your subscription has been approved. As a cautionary measure the first message of any recently approved member will be moderated.
  8. Make sure you read periodically the Yahoo! Groups Guidelines: and Section 6. "Members Conduct" at:

As a general principle, what is not forbidden is allowed on this mailing list. If you are unsure whether your content is consistent with these rules, please err on the side of caution and do not post your content on the NRN list-server, or contact the NRN moderator for advice before posting.

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Contact Us

Contact the Neotropical Raptor Network by writing to

Marta Curti - for questions in Spanish or English